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Raid Lowlands


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After 10 years of experience in adventure racing, for us the recipe for success in this sport is crystal clear: The sum of the qualities of the individual racers determines the team potential. Subsequently, the level of team play is the multiplier in achieving success


Of course, the best way to get better in this sport is just by competing in races. It is, however, impossible to focus on a specific aspect during a race. Team XPD Holland is therefore proud to announce that as of 2024 we will offer our fellow adventure racers the possibility to train specific elements during a series of workshops: 'The road to Raid Lowlands'.

Do you want to start adventure racing or sharpen your skills and learn from other racers, submit to this interactive experience!


The foundation of a strong adventure racer is the optimum of physical fitness, mental toughness, knowledge and experience while teamplay is determined by commitment to goals, clear team procedures, strong leadership and team cohesion. 'The road to Raid Lowlands' will cover these aspects during highly interactive workshops of one day including some amazing lectures, exercises, intervision and mini race setups to actually bring the lessons learned into practice


We have scheduled three workshop days. Please scroll below to see each of the dates to get more information on learning goals, topic, location and setup.




Topic: Navigation

Date: 9th of March 2024

Time: 09.00h - 17.00h

Location: vicinity of Oirschot, The Netherlands

Capacity: 30 participants

Costs: € 99,- per person


This workshop will cover the basic and more advanced elements of strong navigation and orienteering. From working with different types of maps, symbols and grids to determining your position, the difference between geographical north and magnetic north and the concept of DDCA (Direction / Distance / Control point / altitude). During the workshop you will learn, practice, train and share all the essentials of strong navigation. The workshop will be given by navigators of Team XPD Holland, supported by Dutch top orienteering athletes. 


Be aware: This workshop is not only useful for navigators, but also for team members that want to support their navigator to the full extent. 


This workshop is a full day experience including lunch, mini-AR and of course a beer to celebrate our progression.  






Topic: Equipment & Transitions

Date: 13th of April 2024

Time: 09.00h - 17.00h

Location: vicinity of Son en Breugel, The Netherlands

Capacity: 30 participants

Costs: € 99,- per person


Success during Adventure Racing is not only about racing hard, but also about fast transitions. In addition, the right equipment and packing can make a huge difference in dealing with all challenges that an Adventure Race brings. This workshop will prepare you with the right equipment and the right way of packing. Furthermore it will cover transition discipline, procedures and skills. During the workshop you will learn, practice, train and share all of the essentials. The workshop will be given by Team XPD Holland team members responsible for equipment. At the end of the day you will leave with your backpack prepared for AR and the right set of procedures to transition fast in the pocket. 


This workshop is a full day experience including lunch, mini-AR and of course a beer to celebrate the progression.  


Topic: Teamwork

Date: 1st of June 2024

Time: 09.00h - 17.00h

Location: vicinity of Son en Breugel, The Netherlands

Capacity: 32 participants

Costs: € 99,- per person


Adventure racing is a hardcore team sport. After many kilometers and even more hours of racing, team cohesion will be under pressure. It then all comes down to keeping an eye on the goals, leadership, executing the right set of procedures with discipline, mature communication and of course a strong relationship within the team (team membership). Oh, good vibes and humor might help as well ;)


This workshop covers many topics to set up a strong team: 

  • How to build a strong (AR) team

  • Team roles and responsibilities

  • Team goals

  • Agreements and procedures

  • The skill of reviewing

  • Effective Communication

  • How to push each other to the limit

  • How to support each other to the line


Needless to say that it is hugely beneficial to spend this workshop with your full team. At the end of the day your team leaves with many practical agreements, more soft skills and more insight in each other’s personalities. 


Be aware: The lessons learned from this workshop might not only be useful in AR, but also in daily life!


This workshop is a full day experience including lunch, team exercises and of course a beer to celebrate the progression. 




RAID LOWLANDS an ARWS adventure race


Stichting Adventure Race Sport Holland  
IBAN: NL57 INGB 0006 2701 41

Swift/BIC code: INGBNL2A
KvK: 83525041 


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